Thanks for visiting my blog.
This is my first posting, so please excuse my inexperience. In case you are wondering, I have always had this dream of writing a book, a book of little insights, epiphanies or nuggets of life's experiences. I came up with the name, Life In 365 Nutshells, One Nutshell for every day of the year. I decided to add a twist (or spoonerism) to my book title, and that's how i came up with the name for my blog.
At the moment, my mind is blank, i have no insight to share, no mindJuice to spare. But i can definitely tell you that writing your first blog post at work with a blank mind is not a good idea.
I guess I'm supposed to introduce myself, so hello, hi, this is me.
Now I'm going to go email all my friends, to brag about my blog.
Note to self: Reality check, everyone and their mother has a blog these days.