Dear readers, or lack thereof.
I've been meaning to write to you for awhile, telling you what i envisioned my blog to be, and what it instead turned out being.
One of the primary arguments against robotics and artificial intelligence is that eventually these man-made creatures will evolve, and begin to act on their own, against what they were programmed to do.
I'll barrow this argument for (actually against) blogging. Why blog? you'll spend time and effort, drafting, rewording, editing, and finally publishing posts to your blog, and sit there expecting something. Some sort of feedback.
I was kinda expecting a tactile blog. Where readers would comment, discuss, argue (same difference?), and leave their opinions of what i have (or don't have) to say. I was hoping my friends can get to know each other(s opinions) here. Instead, my blog is an egocentric alter, the sacrifices being the fruit of my imagination.
Anyway, enough ranting, y'all came here to read insights, so here's one. FireFox's spell check does not contain the word blog, hmmm...
I'll leave you with that...
P.s. have pity on my (creative?) soul and (PLEEEEEEEEEASE) comment!
I would love to argue with anyone but there are no arguable subjects. Post some controversial items; I mean the quotes are great, but you can get them a-dollar-a-pound these days on the internet.
it would seem that ff spell check also messed with your mind. it correctly spelled the wrong words :)
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