Jul 16, 2007

The Cure For All Diseases

Or better yet, the cure for everything...

Jun 4, 2007

Moderrn Orthodox...

... is so old school...

There are so many, far more appealing (not to be confused with appalling) , even hip, flavors of Judaism. Here are some, suggested for those who are bored with their vanilla:

Contemporary Orthodox.


Post-Modern Orthodox.

Any others you'd like to suggest? Or maybe you have some insight on how to practice the flavors above?

May 22, 2007

Yo, Check this out.

You asked for conterversial topics, here you go.

Could this happen to your child? Your brother? Your friend?

Wilson Appeal

Could it? You tell me?

Is this a joke?

Hmmm... Badatz Cholov Yisroel and Lubavitch Shechita in Uganda???

May 3, 2007


Dear readers, or lack thereof.

I've been meaning to write to you for awhile, telling you what i envisioned my blog to be, and what it instead turned out being.

One of the primary arguments against robotics and artificial intelligence is that eventually these man-made creatures will evolve, and begin to act on their own, against what they were programmed to do.

I'll barrow this argument for (actually against) blogging. Why blog? you'll spend time and effort, drafting, rewording, editing, and finally publishing posts to your blog, and sit there expecting something. Some sort of feedback.

I was kinda expecting a tactile blog. Where readers would comment, discuss, argue (same difference?), and leave their opinions of what i have (or don't have) to say. I was hoping my friends can get to know each other(s opinions) here. Instead, my blog is an egocentric alter, the sacrifices being the fruit of my imagination.

Anyway, enough ranting, y'all came here to read insights, so here's one. FireFox's spell check does not contain the word blog, hmmm...

I'll leave you with that...

P.s. have pity on my (creative?) soul and (PLEEEEEEEEEASE) comment!

Apr 24, 2007


The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis'. One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger - but recognize the opportunity.

- John Fitzgerald Kennedy

For all my smicha studying buddies.

Isn't this hilarious?

Click on it to see who I stole it from.

P.s. I do not in any way endorse LoveBugShop.com, visit it at your own risk. Actually, don't.

Apr 7, 2007

Can you guess?

I really like this collar, can you guess who's wearing it?

Please leave your guesses below.

Mar 25, 2007

Corny joke i came up with today.

Q: What do a computer-with-a-cold and a judge have in common?

A: They both say "You've got bail".

Mar 22, 2007

I'm going to be successful!

To be successful, you've got to be willing to fail.


I don't know if i was willing, but i definitely failed today.

I do some pro-bono database work for a non-profit (or is it nun-prophet) organization here in Brooklyn.

They upgraded some of their users to Windows Vista yesterday. When i came in this morning they started having trouble with their database (i was doing some work on it), at first i blamed myself, but come to think of it, Microsoft is big enough to shoulder the blame.

Anyway, this was my "failure". For the story of my success check back in a few years.

Mar 21, 2007


Patriotic? Extreme? What do you think?

There are four boxes to use in the defence of liberty: soap, ballot, jury, ammo. Use in that order. Starting now.
- Anonymous

Before you correct Anonymous, defence is spelled corretly.

Mar 20, 2007


"Modesty is the art of drawing attention to whatever it is you are being humble about."
- Anonymous

Is this what they teach in Bais Rivkah?