Nov 16, 2006


Thanks for visiting my blog.

This is my first posting, so please excuse my inexperience. In case you are wondering, I have always had this dream of writing a book, a book of little insights, epiphanies or nuggets of life's experiences. I came up with the name, Life In 365 Nutshells, One Nutshell for every day of the year. I decided to add a twist (or spoonerism) to my book title, and that's how i came up with the name for my blog.

At the moment, my mind is blank, i have no insight to share, no mindJuice to spare. But i can definitely tell you that writing your first blog post at work with a blank mind is not a good idea.

I guess I'm supposed to introduce myself, so hello, hi, this is me.

Now I'm going to go email all my friends, to brag about my blog.

Note to self: Reality check, everyone and their mother has a blog these days.


Anonymous said...

Welcome new blogger. Don’t let the "first timers" writers block get you down. The world is eagerly yet patiently waiting for you to be inspired and share your "nuts" with us.

Altie said...

"Note to self: Reality check, everyone and their mother has a blog these days."

Yup, back in those days everyone had blogs. Now it's not so common, that's why I write for myself and not for my non existent friends who don't read it.

I see where you went wrong. All the way from the beginning your blog was bound to fail. I could tell you why but it will hurt.

JustaGuy said...

Please tell me.

Your blog is leaps and bounds more successful than mine

Altie said...

You started writing on the premise that your friends (who I never saw around here) would read and comment on it. Now, while it boosts everyones egos (not yours since you don't have one) and self esteems to get comments on their blog, to write solely for the purpose of receiving feedback is not writing at all. You have to write for yourself, and hopefully people and comments will follow. And if not, either no one knows about your blog, or you really do suck.

Your second mistake was starting your first with, "so this is my new blog, hello, bla bla bla". That is not interesting. Whoever is reading your blog knows it's a blog, can see it's your first post, and doesn't need you to say hello. You have to start by jumping right in. Think of a book. Do they start off by saying hi, this is my book, hope you enjoy the read, etc etc. No, they start off, "it was a dark, stormy night..."

You have to draw your audience in right away or they will leave right away.

I admit I don't think my first post was that great. I have since gotten better thank G-d. But I enjoy writing, I love when people comment, but I see it like a stage. Even if there was no one in the audience, I would still be up here doing what I do best, because I love it. And there will always be me, even if there is no one else.

Hope that helped a bit. Maybe someday you will give it another go, not with this blog, you gotta start with a new one. And maybe you will discover a real passion for writing. Who knows.

JustaGuy said...

Can't say I agree, but I'm not hurt (you bruised my nonexistent ego :D ).

Thanks for the advice, it is much appreciated.

Altie said...

You don't agree with ANY of it? Now that can't be true.

Another thing: you put up a fortress to keep people out. First word verification, then comment approval. Very annoying.

JustaGuy said...

I don't agree with the general perspective, it isn't an accurate representation of me (no offense).

I 'fixed' the comment moderation, hope I don't regret it.

Altie said...

Why would I be offended by the fact that I can't describe you on paper since I don't know you?

Don't worry, your blog has been laying dormant for the past 4 years, I doubt any spam bots or people looking to make trouble will leave any unwanted comments.

JustaGuy said...

'on paper'


Altie said...

Personal joke?

JustaGuy said...

Very personal, between me any myself (I guess).

I have a passion for semantics. We're talking about digital paper, IDK, just found it fully.

JustaGuy said...

Whoops, funny*

I am a bit out of it today...

Altie said...

Now you can follow my blog now that you resurfaced as a blogger.